New License Purchase – Request a Quotation
Franz has many options available to fit your project’s needs and budget. These range from the FREE versions of AllegroGraph and Allegro CL to Enterprise Wide Site licenses.
We offer hourly and annual subscription licensing arrangements for both commercial, government and non-commercial deployments on-premise, public cloud, or private cloud.
AllegroGraph Enterprise Licenses are available at AWS or Azure Marketplaces. Please visit the Marketplaces for current hourly pricing.
To receive a customized quote for on-premise or private cloud, please send an email to
Please share the following information to determine which product offering best fits your needs:
Your Name
Email address
Telephone number
Please include:
The product – (AllegroGraph, Gruff, Allegro CL, and/or Allegro NFS)
The platform – (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc)
The hardware – (Public Cloud, Private Cloud, On-premise, hybrid, etc.)
The edition – AllegroGraph (Enterprise or Developer) or Allegro CL (Platinum, Enterprise, or Professional)
AllegroGraph Enterprise and Free Editions are available in the AWS MarketPlace or Microsoft Azure Cloud on an hourly basis. Contact us for Google Cloud offerings as well as fully managed hosting plans.
Software Support Renewal and Product Maintenance
Current Customers
Franz Inc. offers ongoing technical support and maintenance (product updates) for AllegroGraph, Allegro CL, and Gruff. Please contact us if you would like a renewal quotation or have received a notice from our Sales Department. Please send email to if you need assistance.
Allegro CL users can visit the Customer Resource Center for software downloads and lost license requests.
Allegro NFS For Windows
Users interested in obtaining an Allegro NFS for Windows license can purchase the software from the Franz Store.
Customers wishing to use a Purchase Order for Allegro NFS, please note there is a 10 license minimum to process a PO.
Software License Agreement Information
Allegro CL
Allegro NFS
A Franz representative is available to assist you during local business hours (8-5 Pacific). Please call (510) 452-2000, Select Option 3, Sales and Marketing.