About our training seminars

  • Franz typically conducts two-day workshops when you begin developing your semantic application to review your architecture and design and to provide training on the use of the AllegroGraph and potential integration strategies as they relate to specific use case scenarios.

    Franz will review any relevant design and architecture documents in advance and tailor feedback into the workshop. After the session, a bullet point write up is provided to highlight key observations and recommendations identified during the workshop.

    The goal of this start up support effort is to provide summary best practices as well as an awareness of potential problem patterns which may be encountered while developing your applications incorporating semantic technologies.

    Workshops can be conducted on site, or using GoToMeeting Center, a web-based interactive environment with file and application sharing capabilities, travel and accommodation expenses are eliminated.

    For more information, send email to [email protected]

How it works?

  • Example Class Outline
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
DayTopicEst. Duration
Day 1
  • Introduction
  • RDF Basics
  • Working with AllegroGraph – Basics
  • Working with AllegroGraph – Advanced
  • 1 h
  • 1-2 h
  • 2 h
  • 4 h
Day 2
  • AllegroGraph RDFS++ reasoning
  • AllegroGraph and Prolog
  • AllegroGraph and SPARQL
  • Installing AllegroGraph & Working from Java
  • 2 h
  • 1 h
  • 2-4 h
  • 1-2 h
Day 3
  • Working with AllegroGraph – Client /Server
  • Loading from external sources
  • Performance Tuning
  • Project Planning – Design Tips
  • 1-3 h
  • 1 h
  • 1 h
  • 3 h
1. Introduction Overview of AllegroGraph as a general graph database and RDF(S)/OWL store. It is a high level presentation that takes people trough all the aspects of AllegroGraph.Time: 1 hour
2. RDF Basics
  • RDF Concepts
  • RDF Reasoning / OWL
  • Data modeling tips
Time: 2 hours
3. Working with AllegroGraph – Basics
  • Opening databases (and all input parameters)
  • Reader macro
  • Creating triples programmatically
  • Loading triples from an RDF/XML file
  • Deleting triples
  • Getting triples out of the database with get-triples
  • Printing triples for human consumption and how to create RDF files from an AllegroGraph store
  • Working with the indices
  • Working with the dictionaries Closing databases
Time: 2 hours
4. Working with AllegroGraph – Advanced
  • Using Gruff, the graphical RDF browser
  • Using range queries on numeric data
  • How to use the fourth triple element (named graph argument)
  • Opening multiple databases
  • Querying multiple databases
  • Setting up AllegroGraph for clustering
  • Looking at the database structure
  • Exception handling
  • How to rebuild the database if AllegroGraph breaks during indexing
  • Indexing
  • Maintenance of RDF store including backup / recovery
  • Troubleshooting
Time: 4 hours
5. AllegroGraph RDFS++ reasoning
  • Walk the user through all the of special predicates that RDFS++ deals with
  • Demonstrate how to create combined queries with the select statement
  • Applying reasoning to LUBM
  • Exercises
Time: 2 hours
6. AllegroGraph and Prolog
  • Learn how to add new Prolog rules (functors)
  • How to use the different q* functors
  • q for working on raw triples
  • qs for invoking the reasoner
  • qr for range queries in prolog
  • How to use the select function
  • What will work and what will not work on large databases
Time: 1 hour
7. AllegroGraph and SPARQL
  • Introduction to SPARQL and why it is so important
  • Using an example database we’ll take you through a long set of examples that progressively explores SPARQL
  • We explain how the named graph and SPARQL work together
  • We’ll show how SPARQL differs from Prolog. We’ll give you some examples on how translate SPARQL queries into Prolog and visa versa
Time: 4 hours
8. Installing AllegroGraph and Working from Java

Walk through all the steps of installing

  • AllegroGraph
  • Java and Eclipse
  • How to set up Eclipse so that you can work with AllegroGraph
  • We will take you through the various Java APIs
  • We will go through a series of examples
  • Run a validation program to see if everything is working as expected
Time: 4 hours
9. Working with AllegroGraph – Client /Server
  • Setting up a server
  • Going through the HTTP protocol for accessing the database
  • Basic operations over HTTP
  • How does this work internally
  • Cross platform
Time: 3 hours
10. Loading from external sources We go through various code examples that show how to load data from non RDF sources.Time: 1 hour
11. Performance Tuning In this section we will load a 500 Million RDF triple store and look at performance tuning
  • What are all the files that you see on disk
  • How to use clustering to get faster performance
  • How to use indexing most effectively
  • Memory consumption for the various parts of the system
  • Performing queries over large datasets
Time: 2 hours
12. Project Planning and Design Tips
  • Optional: TopBraid Composer and AllegroGraph
  • Optional: Using AllegroGraph as a Graph Database
  • – various search algorithms
  • – simple social network analysis
  • Optional: Customized
  • how to represent triples
  • how to use the fourth element
  • Load Customer RDF File
  • Perform Merge operation
  • Perform data extraction using SPARQ
Time: 3 hours