- 28 December, 2021
Analytics and AI in 2022: Innovation in the era of COVID
Jans Aasman is featured in this ZDNet article:
As we have reached the end of 2021, my inbox has become stuffed with the now customary batch of emails, from tech companies and their PR agencies, sharing management’s thoughts on what next year will hold for us, in the world of data, analytics and AI. As ever, the annual exercise of compiling sage predictions about the upcoming year, from executives around the industry, was a big effort. In fact, once all the prediction emails were consolidated, a 50-page document resulted. As with any big data exercise, my goal was to aggregate the data into groupings I could organize it by, both to tame the volume of the data and because the groupings are themselves instructive.
From low-code, we move to what we might call “low-data.” Dr. Jans Aasman, CEO of Franz Inc., characterized the new normal of personal data analytics: “in 2022 we will see new ways for users to regain control of their data.” That’s great, but it’s yet another disruption, forcing companies to personalize experiences without access to as much personal data. Jennifer Krizanek, President, NA and CMO of Contentserv, describes the challenge: “2022 will witness businesses strategizing on how to personalize the customer experience without breaking GDPR laws or infringing on consumers’ data privacy rights.” She further opines that next year “will be the year in which businesses learn how to operate, market and personalize their offerings to consumers without tracking their every move.”
AI isn’t just for personalization though. In fact, the sense of the predictors’ room is that vertical industries, from finance to healthcare, will benefit from AI in 2002. Ajmera at Prophix headlines one of his predictions as: “The Era of AI-Powered Corporate Finance Is Here.” His analysis says “…as businesses emerge from the volatile pandemic period, expect to see CFOs finally taking the plunge into AI-powered finance technologies, kickstarting the next era of super-charged corporate finance.” Franz’s Aasman says “This ‘Total AI’ is swiftly becoming necessary to tackle enterprise scale applications of mission-critical processes like predicting equipment failure, optimizing healthcare treatment, and maximizing customer relationships.”
Read the full article at ZDNet.