Bloor Research, the independent technology research, analysis and consultancy firm has released their 2017 Graph and RDF Database Market Analysis.

In the Market Analysis illustration, the highest scoring companies are nearest the center. The analyst then defines a benchmark score for a domain leading company from their overall ratings and all those above that are in the champions segment. Those that remain are placed in the Innovator segment if their innovation rating is over 2.5 and Challenger if it is less than 2.5. The exact position in each segment is calculated based on their combined innovation and overall score. It is important to note that color coded products have been scored relative to other products with the same color coding. Comparisons across color codes are not necessarily valid.

“AllegroGraph is the highest ranked product in its class, and, thanks to Gruff, it was rated as the easiest product to use.” – Bloor Research


  • Gruff is a major differentiator. It provides by far the easiest way of developing graph queries that we have seen from any vendor. The company also partners with graph visualization vendors such as Linkurious.
  • The analytic support provided is extensive and Franz is one of relatively few vendors that is serious about complex analytics. The nDimensional support is also a differentiator.
  • We particularly like the semantic data lake concept as well as the ability to associate probabilities with relationships.

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