- 15 March, 2023
Franz Inc. Named to KMWorld’s – 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management
Companies have been bought, sold, and merged, and some have disappeared altogether. Others have moved from startups to established leaders. Still more have shown great resilience, changing with the times and remaining as companies that continue to matter in KM.
Technologies that affect knowledge sharing have changed as well, some dramatically. The increasing power of augmented and artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), semantic layering, vectorization, knowledge graphs, cloud computing and storage, chatbots, text analytics, and a host of others has revolutionized many aspects of KM.
Some have moved from bright, shiny, and brand-new to mundane, accepted, and pretty much table stakes in the technology game. Newer tools inspire us with their innovative approaches to KM. The impact of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, with the ability to draw on an enormous knowledgebase to produce relevant responses to human prompts and have human-like conversations, has jolted not only the KM world but also a plethora of other professions and industries as well.
Putting together the list of 100 companies that matter in KM causes us to look at organizations with pioneering solutions and notable modifications to existing products, and those that are just plain interesting. We applaud innovation, agility, and a focus on the customer. We are excited about the future.
Franz is proud to be named to KMWorld’s “100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management.” Which follows closely on the heals of AllegroGraph being recently named “Best Knowledge Graph” by KMWorld Readers’ Choice Award aware voting.