- 2 December, 2019
Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer’s Secret Weapon
This is the fifth edition (released September 2019) of Mark Watson’s “Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer’s Secret Weapon.”
From the website – “I removed some of the older material from the earlier editions and added application examples for deep learning, back-propagation and Hopfield neural networks, using the CLML machine learning library, heuristic search, and using Common Lisp clients for: MongoDB, Solr, and relational databases. For the older 3rd edition I added a chapter using my Natural Language Processing (NLP) library and a short chapter on information gathering. For the 5th edition I added an example application for generating Knowledge Graph data (RDF and Cypher for Neo4j graph database), and hybrid examples for using Python deep learning libraries (using a web service interface).
The purpose of this book is to provide a quick introduction to Common Lisp and then provide the user with many fun and useful examples for using Common Lisp.