- 1 November, 2013
AllegroGraph named – “21 NoSQL Innovators to Look for in 2020”
OAKLAND, Calif. — November 1, 2013 — Franz, Inc. today announced that the company was named as one of 21 NoSQL Innovators to Look for in 2020, in a post on The Wikibon technology research and advisory website because of its flagship RDF and Graph Database product, AllegroGraph.
“Thanks to the explosion of Big Data throughout every industry sector and requirements for real-time, predictive and other forms of now indispensable transactions and analytics to drive revenue and business outcomes, today there are more than 50 DBs in a variety of categories that address different aspects of the Big Data conundrum. Welcome to the new normal world of NoSQL – or, Not only Structured Query Language – a term used to designate databases which differ from classic relational databases in some way,” sites contributing author Gary MacFadden.
“As is the case with most nascent technology markets, more companies will emerge and others will buy their way into the market, fueling the inevitable surge of consolidation. Oracle has publicly committed to its Berkeley DB open-source version of NoSQL, while IBM offers support for Hadoop and MongoDB solutions as part of its InfoSphere information management platform as well as Hadoop enhancements for its PureData System, and Microsoft supports a variety of NoSQL solutions on its Windows Azure cloud-based storage solution. Suffice to say, the big three RDBMS vendors are pragmatic about the future of databases. Sooner or later, expect them all to make NoSQL acquisitions,” continues MacFadden.
“Here is a short list of companies anticipated to disrupt the database space over the next 5 to 7 years arranged based on use case within the enterprise. This group is also distinguished by added capabilities or functionality beyond just providing a simple data store with the inclusion of analytics, connectors (interoperability with other DBs and applications), data replication and scaling across commodity servers or cloud instances.”
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About Wikibon
Wikibon is a worldwide community of practitioners, technologists and consultants dedicated to improving the adoption of technology and business systems through an open source sharing of free advisory knowledge. By combining innovative technology, global expertise and action-oriented content, Wikibon has become the Web’s first and largest technology research and advisory organization where peers help each other make better technology investment decisions and share best practices.
About contributing author Gary MacFadden
Gary MacFadden has spent the last 20 plus years in the IT Research and Advisory industry in a variety of roles including business development, consulting, management, marketing, research and sales, starting with META Group in 1990. Assignments followed at Giga Information Group and IDC’s Insights Group as well as a ten-year run as founding member and managing partner of the Robert Frances Group (RFG). Since early 2009 Gary has been a Principal Contributor to the Wikibon Project research community and various other online research portals.
About Franz Inc.
Franz Inc. is an innovative technology company with expert knowledge in developing and deploying Graph Search solutions. AllegroGraph, Franz’s high-performance, transactional, and scalable Graph Database, provides the solid storage layer for powerful Enterprise grade NoSQL solutions. Franz’s products and Professional Services are uniquely positioned to help bring your complex ideas to reality.
AllegroGraph’s Activity Recognition capabilities provides a powerful means to aggregate and analyze data about individual and organizational behaviors, preferences, relationships, plus spatial and temporal linkages between individuals and groups. Franz customers include Fortune 500 companies in the government, life sciences and telecommunications industries.
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