- 16 September, 2013
Jans Aasman to Keynote Seventh IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2013)
OAKLAND, Calif. — September 16, 2013 — Franz Inc.’s CEO, Dr. Jans Aasman, will give the Keynote talk at ICSC 2013 on Wednesday, September 18 in Irvine, CA. The IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing continues to foster the growth of a new research community. The conference builds on the success of the past ICSC conferences as an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present research that advances the state of the art and practice of Semantic Computing, as well as identifying emerging research topics and defining the future of the field.
Complex event handling with Semantic Technology
Enterprises collect large bodies of data that describe interactions between their customers. Think of phone calls, text messages, financial transactions, auctions, emails, etc. Each of these interactions can be described as an event object with two or more actors, a start time and possibly an end-time, almost always an location and then other properties to describe the event. A collection of events will inevitably result in a large graph on which we can do interesting computations that include graph analytics, geospatial and temporal reasoning. Relational databases are fundamentally unfit to explore the graph within these networks and Big Data solutions (Hadoop, etc) are usually not meant to work with sparse graphs, rules and geospatial and temporal reasoning. The maturing capabilities of RDF Graph Databases have made them the optimal approach to mine these networks that have temporal and geospatial features.
This presentation will discuss an application of Semantic Graph Mining using anonymized information from an on-line bank in Asia. The data includes all payments from account to account along with details about links to each other through IP addresses, goods traded, location, etc. We will show how we can detect, in real time, whether an account executing a transaction is part of a group of accounts that is somehow linked to fraudulent activity.
About Dr. Aasman
Jans Aasman started his career as an experimental and cognitive psychologist, earning his PhD in cognitive science with a detailed model of car driver behavior using Lisp and Soar. He has spent most of his professional life in telecommunications research, specializing in intelligent user interfaces and applied artificial intelligence projects. From 1995 to 2004, he was also a part-time professor in the Industrial Design department of the Technical University of Delft. Jans is currently the CEO of Franz Inc., the leading supplier of commercial, persistent, and scalable RDF database products that provide the storage layer for powerful reasoning and ontology modeling capabilities for Semantic Web applications.
Dr. Aasman has gained notoriety as a conference speaker at such events as Semantic Technologies Conference, International Semantic Web Conference, Java One, Enterprise Data World, Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences, Linked Data Planet, INSA, GeoWeb, AAAI, NoSQLNow, Graph Data Management, RuleML, IEEE conferences, and DEBS to name a few.
About Franz Inc.
Franz’s semantic technology solutions help bring Web 3.0 ideas to reality. The company is the leading supplier of commercial, persistent and scalable Graph Database products. AllegroGraph is a high-performance database capable of storing and querying billions of RDF statements. The product provides solutions for customers to combine unstructured and structured data using W3C standard RDF for creating new Web 3.0 applications as well as identifying new opportunities for Business Intelligence in the Enterprise. AllegroGraph’s Activity Recognition package provides a powerful means to aggregate and analyze data about individual and organizational behaviors, preferences, relationships, plus spatial and temporal linkages between individuals and groups. Franz customers include Fortune 500 companies in the government, life sciences and telecommunications industries. For more information, visit franz.com.
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