- 16 September, 2019
The Importance of FAIR Data in Earth Science
Franz’s CEO, Jans Aasman’s recent Marine Technology News:
Data’s valuation as an enterprise asset is most acutely realized over time. When properly managed, the same dataset supports a plurality of use cases, becomes almost instantly available upon request, and is exchangeable between departments or organizations to systematically increase its yield with each deployment.
These boons of leveraging data as an enterprise asset are the foundation of GO FAIR’s Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable (FAIR) principles profoundly impacting the data management rigors of geological science. Numerous organizations in this space have embraced these tenets to swiftly share information among a diversity of disciplines to safely guide the stewardship of the earth.
According to Dr. Annie Burgess, Lab Director of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), the “most pressing global challenges cannot be solved by a single organization. Scientists require data collected across multiple disciplines, which are often managed by many different agencies and institutions.” As numerous members of the earth science community are realizing, the most effectual means of managing those disparate data according to FAIR principles is by utilizing the semantic standards underpinning knowledge graphs.