- 5 June, 2024
Podcast – Build your own chatbot and talk to your own documents
Alan Morrison, an interview with Dr. Jans Aasman, CEO, Franz Inc.
Jans Aasman’s AI background goes back to his training as a cognitive scientist at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands beginning in 1978.
Since then, he’s seen over 40 years of AI’s evolution. Throughout that time, he’s been hands on with a range of modeling techniques, from LISP and Prolog, to description logic and statistical machine learning.
Jans is the CEO of Franz, Inc., which started as a LISP compiler company. Under his leadership, Franz designs enterprise-class graph database management systems (DBMSes) used for metadata-rich knowledge graph development. Now the company is at the leading edge of neurosymbolic or composite AI, the kind of AI that effectively blends three different branches of AI, as shown in this diagram: